Good evening,
I came across your job posting after it was brought to my attention by one of your current employees, and this job is extremely interesting to me. I have worked with a number of organizations to improve their communications strategies through a variety of channels. A critical piece to any great strategy is to have a leader with the ability to sit down and examine the needs, the desired outcomes, and how to get there; all of which I can do with ease.
Recently, I have worked with Volunteer Ottawa as the Web & Communications Manager. I was brought in to this position based on my previous involvement with Volunteer Ottawa, but in this instance, it was primarily to lead the redevelopment of the website and online branding. However, much of my role was also to support the efforts of the fundraising manager’s endeavours for the VOscars, our annual fundraiser recognizing volunteers across the city. Through the development of a marketing plan specific to this event, which included e-mail campaigns to donors and volunteers, the event will undoubtedly be a success.
Prior to starting at Volunteer Ottawa, I had the pleasure of working with Algonquin College’s Marketing Services team on a number of projects, including the redevelopment of over a dozen websites, from content gathering, to strategy to execution and optimization of over 140 program pages. Here, I was given the opportunity to fill in for multiple roles and feel as though I was able to successfully jump in where needed and complete a number of projects already on the go. I managed two of the College’s largest publications. This process involved developing timelines, managing expectations and delivering accurate and timely information.
I am a strong believer in looking at projects from different angles, and that lead me to start Six Degrees Innovations, where I’ve worked with clients to identify their wish lists for how they’d like to have their brand or organization perceived online, including the building of social media networks, websites and blogs primarily through Wordpress. With the development of marketing plans, we’ve increased traffic to sites and expanded awareness, resulting in increased in donations and recruitment. These projects rely heavily on understanding and being able to convey analytic reports and actively interpreting their results to improve.
In addition, I have worked as the Marketing and Communications Project Manager at CAAWS, where I was responsible for several projects, including program coordination, grant applications and distribution, and social media networks, all while working with and creating budgets and meeting goals as set by the strategic plan.
The companies I’ve worked with ranged in size from very small non-profits to rather large companies. In my experience, I have learnt the different ways to understand and apply techniques based on the size of the organization and their audience. The opportunity that is presented is one I feel I would succeed at tremendously. I realize the impact this foundation can have, and given the nature of the organization, it can certainly leave a lasting impression. If given the opportunity, I know I can provide you with fresh ideas, and great results.
I look forward to hearing from you soon,